The National Catholic Bioethics Center

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Bioethics on Air: Episode 78: Critical Dialogue on Vaccine Mandates – Public Health, the Common Good, and Prophetic Witness

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In part three of our interview, Jason Eberl and John Brehany discuss the role of public health viz-à-viz Catholic teaching and explore notions of the common good with regard to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They conclude by speaking to how Catholics are called to prophetic witness on the vaccine issue in the public square.

Eberl essays:
1.  Vaccine Mandates are Coming. Catholics Have No Moral Reason to Oppose ThemAmerica, August 10, 2020
2. Catholics Have No Grounds to Claim Exemption from COVID Vaccine Mandates, co-authored by Tobias Winright, National Catholic Reporter, August 17, 2020

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See this SoundCloud audio in the original post