The National Catholic Bioethics Center

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Making Sense of Bioethics: Column 132: Seeing through the Intersex Confusion

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On rare occasions, babies can be born with ambiguous genitalia, and parents and physicians may be uncertain about whether a newborn is a little boy or a little girl. While testing for sex chromosomes is in­variably part of figuring out these cases, the genetics alone may not always tell the whole story.

Both genes and physiological factors like hormonal conditions in the womb can contribute to our primary and secondary sex charac­teristics and, unsurprisingly, disor­ders in our genes or our in utero hormonal milieu can contribute to deflecting the development of our maleness or femaleness.

For the most part, our genetic sex (XX female or XY male) serves as the best guide to the true sex of an individual, though in rare situa­tions, even the sex chromosomes themselves can have anomalies. For example, when somebody is born with Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) they develop not only as a male due to the presence of the Y chromo­some and its testosterone-produc­ing influence, but also as a “fem­inized” male because of the influ­ences of the additional X chromo­some.

When strong hormonal influ­ences are at play, as in another dis­order called Congenital Andro­genital Syndrome, a genetically normal XX female can have in­creased testosterone production by her adrenal glands, resulting in the development of external male-like genitalia, even though she also has ovaries, a vagina, and a uterus.

While the term “intersex” is sometimes used to describe situa­tions where an individual has non-standard genital anatomy, it typically has a broader range of meanings. Some have argued that a person has to be born with both ovarian and testicular tissue to count as being intersex, but “in­tersex” is an imprecise term that can describe a range of situations in which a person is born with an internal reproductive anatomy or an external sexual anatomy that is not in accord with the typical ex­pectations for femaleness or maleness.

Sometimes the suggestion is made that intersex individuals are, in fact, neither male nor female, but fluid, malleable or “bisexual,” with sexual identity residing somewhere between male and female. This kind of explanation is untenable. 

Human beings, along with most other members of the ani­mal kingdom, are marked by an ineradicable sexual “dimor­phism,” or “two-forms,” namely, male and female. When problems arise in the development of one of these forms, this does not make for a new “third form,” or worse, for an infinite spectrum of different sexual forms.

Instead, intersex situations rep­resent cases in which a person is ei­ther male or female, but has con­founding physiological factors that make them appear or feel as if they were of the opposite sex, or maybe even both sexes. In other words, the underlying sex remains, even though the psychology or gender they experi­ence may be discordant. Put another way, intersex individuals may be "drawn away" from their intrinsic male or female sexual constitution by various anatomical differences in their bodies, and by opposing interior physiological drives and forces. 

This can be further complicated because of strong cultural forces that contribute to the confusion by sanc­tioning a paradigm of complete mal­leability in human sexual behaviors that militates against an understand­ing of sex-based "hard-wiring." 

Even though it may not be popular to affirm the fact, people suffer from sexual development dis­orders in much the same way that they suffer from other kinds of de­velopmental disorders, whether of the cardiac/circulatory system, of the nervous/intellectual system or others. No one, of course, should be sub­jected to bias or mistreatment due to a bodily disorder they may have been born with, but in treating such per­sons, we always strive to return their cardiac or intellectual functions to their proper baseline, rather than in­venting a new abnormal as the norm and defining that as a “treatment,” as some are tempted to do with sexual development disorders.

While a newborn’s "intrinsic maleness" or “intrinsic femaleness” may be difficult to assess in certain more complicated intersex cases, the point remains that there is an "intrin­sic" or "underlying" sexual constitu­tion that we must do our best to rec­ognize, respect, and act in accord with. We must carefully acknowledge, nurture and accept our given em­bodied sexual nature as male or fe­male. Willfully denying or acting against that given nature will consti­tute little more than a prescription for disillusionment and dishonesty.

Pope Benedict, in a December 2013 address, echoed these concerns when he mentioned the errors found in various new philosophies where “sex is no longer a given element of nature, that man has to accept and personally make sense of….”

To live in an ordered way, with an ordered masculinity or femininity, is certainly one of the great challenges of our time, and we can only under­take this important task by insisting on the correspondence of our minds to reality — especially to the deeply inscribed reality of our unique em­bodiment as male or female.

Copyright © 2020, The National Catholic Bioethics Center, Philadelphia, PA. All rights reserved.

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