The National Catholic Bioethics Center

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Crux: “Bioethicists Urge COVID-19 Vaccine Research Avoid Abortion Cell Lines”

Joseph Meaney, President

NCBC President Joseph Meaney was interviewed in an April 28, 2020, news story by Charles Collins, managing editor at Crux:

Joseph Meaney, the president of the Philadelphia-based National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC), told Crux that Catholics “should insist on ethical scientific research that has no links to abortion or the killing of embryos.”

According to the NCBC briefing paper the use of the cell lines obtained from aborted fetuses, even for the purpose of a COVID-19 vaccine, “is a cause of serious theological scandal.”

“Appealing to good aims and an ‘urgent need’ will foster the deeper penetration of unethical research and development into medicine, politics, law, and culture,” the paper said.

Read the full story here.