The National Catholic Bioethics Center

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LifeSite News: “Experts: Universal Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders Are Unethical, Un-American, Unnecessary”

The NCBC’s John Di Camillo was interviewed in a March 30, 2020, story by LifeSite News:

“These are gut wrenching questions,” said Di Camillo, “but we should all be thinking – patients and providers – about the kinds of sacrifices that we may need to be willing to make to help each other.”  

“There are wonderful solutions that can help us when we come together as a community,” he noted.  

In Italy, where the healthcare system has been overwhelmed, there have been stories of creative solutions emerging. “People are converting scuba diving gear into personal protective equipment for doctors and nurses.”   

Di Camillo also noted how Italian clothing design and manufacturing titan Giorgio Armani has also agreed to produce personal protective equipment. “Private initiatives paired with community level and government initiatives to creatively respond” open up previously unavailable possibilities.

Read the full story here.