Chaplaincy Program

Course Instructor

A Short Course for Chaplains on the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERDs), 6th edition, from United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The NCBC Chaplaincy Program is a twelve (12) module short course on the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERDs), published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Program is designed primarily for chaplains and those ministering in Catholic health care institutions, but it is open to all. Its primary goals are (1) to demonstrate what the ERDs are and why they are essential for Catholic health care in the United States, and (2) to empower those engaged in health care ministry to effectively convey and apply the Church’s health care tradition as expressed through the ERDs within their institutions. The National Association of Catholic Chaplains has accredited this program for six (6) continuing education credits. View certification letter. 

Delivery and Assessment

The Program curriculum is taught by NCBC staff and is delivered fully online (Canvas) in an asynchronous format. Weekly assignments include lectures (videos and podcasts) as well as readings from the Ethical and Religious Directives, NCBC publications, and authoritative Church documents. Online quizzes assess student learning. Students work at their own pace and take quizzes upon completion of the assignments in that module. Once enrolled in the Chaplaincy Program, students normally have fifteen (15) weeks to complete it. To receive a Certificate of Completion from the NCBC, students must attain a cumulative average of 75%.


After completing the 12-module chaplaincy program, you will be eligible to register for our full Certification Program at the discounted membership rate if you register within one year of completion. Contact Julie Kelley for more information.