Personal Consultation Testimonials
Did you appreciate a personal consultation you received and would like to share? Directly thanking an ethicist by phone or email is wonderful. It’s even better if you send us a public testimonial below to help spread the word and assist others!
Fill out this form to let us know what’s on your mind!
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Any gift you make will help cover the costs of ethicist time fielding consults, stipends for consultations fellows, and other expenses that will help our Personal Consultations Department meet the following key goals:
1. Expand access to NCBC’s personalized moral guidance and reliable resources, faithful to the Magisterium of the Church, for people seeking to form their consciences and live saintly lives;
2. Train new Catholic ethicists through hands-on, real-life experience fielding consults under the guidance of seasoned NCBC ethicists, in particular through fellowship and internship opportunities in the Personal Consultations Department;
3. Personally engage with those who’ve used our consultation service and others who are interested in supporting the service for constructive feedback, testimonials, ideas and suggestions, and financial or other forms of assistance.
Make our hearts like unto Thine!
NCBC’s Personal Consultations Department is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Cor Jesu, rex et centrum omnium cordium, miserere nobis!