“Making Sense of Bioethics” Column by Father Tad
Father Tad Pacholczyk writes the “Making Sense of Bioethics” column, which appears in diocesan newspapers across the country. Bioethics is the study of the ethical concerns arising from advances in biology and medicine. Its task involves distinguishing between morally appropriate and inappropriate uses of biotechnology and medicine. Bioethics pioneer Paul Ramsey once noted that for a man of serious conscience, “there may be some things that men should never do. The good things that men do can be made complete only by the things they refuse to do.”
Please share this page with others who would benefit from Father Tad’s concise explanations of the Church’s position on these crucial and cutting-edge issues. Many columns are also available in Spanish (El Sentido de la Bioética) and in Polish (Sens Bioetyki). Subscriptions to this series or reprints are available from the NCBC for newspapers, parish bulletins, newsletters, or journals. For information regarding subscriptions and permissions, please contact Elizabeth Lee.
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Given the moral objectionability of IVF, the administration should seek instead to forbid the practice through statutory mechanisms, or, if that is not yet politically possible, limit and circumscribe the practice by bringing it under tight regulation and oversight.
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