National Catholic Certification Program in Health Care Ethics

Graduate credit available toward a master’s degree

2024/2025 Academic-Year Enrollment NOW OPEN

  • 2024/2025 Academic-Year begins August 26, 2024

The National Catholic Certification Program in Health Care Ethics has been developed at the request of many bishops and health care administrators to provide systematic formation, based on the Ethical and Religious Directives, so that dioceses, hospitals, and ethics committees will have well-qualified advisors able to apply the Catholic moral tradition to challenging contemporary issues in health care.


The objectives of the National Catholic Certification Program in Health Care Ethics include the training of those engaged in health care ministry and other interested individuals to effectively represent the Church’s moral teaching in their various institutions as it is summarized in Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. Upon completion of the program, students will be able to do the following:

  • Articulate the Church’s understanding of the inherent dignity of the human person as the objective basis for its moral tradition in health care.

  • Apply the Church’s moral teaching as expressed in Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services to resolve complex dilemmas encountered in clinical education, practice, and research.

  • Identify resources available to health care professionals and others in health care ministries which provide guidance for the resolution of bioethical issues.

Program Description

The Certification Program is nine-month immersive study in Catholic bioethics designed for busy professionals. It is taught by NCBC ethicists and delivered online in an asynchronous format. The program consists of four modules that address a variety of biomedical and health care ethics challenges across the lifespan. Weekly assignments include video lectures and readings from NCBC publications and authoritative Catholic sources. Online tests and essays assess student comprehension and practical application of course content. “Virtual office hours” offer students the opportunity to discuss course material, and interact more fully with their instructor and peers.

All students are required to attend a two-day seminar which are held at various times during the year across the United States. The seminar is an integral part of the program and should be completed before the end of Module 2 for your class.

Who Will Benefit from the Program?

The Certification Program is primarily designed for Church leaders, health care professionals and administrators, those in the life sciences, and ethics committee members. However, others interested in understanding and advancing the Church’s moral tradition—including pro-life leaders, teachers and professors, lawyers, specialists from centers for biomedical and biological research, and members of institutions involved in shaping public policy—benefit from it as well. Attendees give high praise for NCBC offerings. Some of those who comment on our programming have said it “provided [them] an in-depth understanding of the sound theological and scientific basis of Catholic bioethics” and “prepared [them] to deliver timely lectures and answer the many questions I receive in the classes I teach.” For more details and detailed evaluation responses, please contact our Department of Education.

Continuing Education Credit Opportunities

  • Chaplains: The National Association of Catholic Chaplains has approved this program for 144 continuing education hours.

    Graduate Credit Opportunities

Participants may enroll for ten (10) graduate credits through the University of Mary, a private Catholic university based in Bismarck, North Dakota. Credits earned may be applied toward the University’s master of science degree in bioethics. Please visit the University of Mary for additional information and requirements.

Participants may enroll for nine (9) graduate credits through Holy Apostles College and Seminary, a fully accredited, coeducational Catholic undergraduate and graduate institution offering affordable educational programs true to the magisterium. The credits earned through dual enrollment may be applied towards a Master of Arts degree in Theology with a concentration in bioethics or a Masters of Divinity in the New Evangelization. Please visit Holy Apostles for additional information and requirements.

Through St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry, an accredited graduate school that forms and educates men and women from the heart of the Church, participants can receive a 15-credit Graduate Certificate in Catholic Bioethics after the completion of the NCBC Certification program and two graduate courses at St. Bernard’s. Visit the Graduate Certificate in Catholic Bioethics webpage for more information!

Participants can receive nine (9) graduate credits in bioethics through Divine Mercy University upon completion of the NCBC Certification program. DMU is an accredited graduate school that educates individuals in psychology grounded in a Catholic Christian vision of the person. The nine (9) graduate credits can be used towards the 33-credit Masters in Psychology program or towards an 18-credit Graduate Certificate in Catholic Christian Psychology and Bioethics. Visit the Divine Mercy University website for more information.