Diocesan Membership
Membership Types
Dues: $1,600
Renewed annually in the month first entered.
Benefits and Services
Membership provides key benefits to the Ordinary, his designee, and diocesan staff, including:
Twenty-four-hour emergency access to the President of the NCBC and the Executive Vice President for the (arch)bishop or his designee.
Five hours of consultation with an NCBC ethicist.
An online subscription to The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (4 issues) to be shared throughout the diocese, with access to a searchable database of all back issues. Up to 3 print subscriptions for designated recipients.
An online subscription to Ethics & Medics (12 issues) to be shared throughout the diocese, with access to past issues. Up to 3 print subscriptions for designated recipients.
Five enrollments in the Short Course for Chaplains on the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the Ethical and Religious Directives for people who are new to health care ministry or pastoral care. The program also serves as a review for those who may have been introduced to the Ethical and Religious Directives in seminary or graduate school and want to be able to apply them better in a parish or ministry setting. The program is ideal for parish priests and dedicated hospital chaplains, but the material is valuable for all deacons, professed religions, and lay people who help Catholics faithfully navigate life issues. (Subsequent enrollments available at a discounted rate.)
A discount on bulk and individual print or individual print subscriptions to Ethics & Medics sent to one address, which may be distributed to clergy and diocesan staff.
Discounts on Catholic Health Insurance Ethics Reviews (CHIER) of medical/pharmacy health insurance benefits plan design and monitoring.
A 20% discount on the personnel cost for a one-day seminar presented at your facility by an NCBC ethicist (travel expenses additional).
50% off an annual subscription to the NCBC’s syndicated “Making Sense of Bioethics” newspaper column.
Tuition discounts for diocesan staff for NCBC courses, seminars, and other NCBC-sponsored programs.
Sessions from past Workshop for Bishops
Access to past Webinars
Online access to past Bioethics Public Policy Reports
Email updates on current bioethics issues.
Diocesan members can enroll in the Diocesan Parish Partnership Program and receive the following benefits: permission to distribute the NCBC’s three end-of-life guides electronically or in print: A Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decisions, A Catholic Guide to POLST, and A Catholic Guide to Palliative Care and Hospice; three monthly bulletin inserts: Living a Catholic Life, Making Sense of Bioethics, and Bioethics Public Policy Report; discounts on NCBC educational programs; and more.