There is perhaps no bioethical topic more hotly debated among Catholics than the morality of adopting frozen embryos. This issue arose after the unequivocal condemnation of the practice of in vitro fertilization (IVF) by the Instruction Donum Vitae issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1987.
Read MoreThe recent symposium on brain death organized by The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC), The Center for Law & the Human Person at the Columbus School of Law of The Catholic University of America (CUA), and the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University achieved a remarkable successThe Church has moved uncharacteristically rapidly in issuing an important doctrinal note, Antiqua et Nova, concerning Artificial Intelligence or (AI).
Read MoreThe Church has moved uncharacteristically rapidly in issuing an important doctrinal note, Antiqua et Nova, concerning Artificial Intelligence or (AI).
Read MoreBishop Michael Burbidge of the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia released a pastoral letter entitled “The Christian Family, In Vitro Fertilization, and Heroic Witness to True Love” (January, 2025). In a relatively short text, it treats in a compassionate but authoritative way the thorny and misunderstood topic of in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Read MoreAmerica deserves the truth when it comes to abortion statistics. I recently attended a meeting/retreat for pro-life lawmakers and organizations in Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania.
Read MoreFrom 1974–2016 the US had a series of official commissions or councils of scholars to study bioethical topics and advise Congress and presidential administrations on policy.
Read MoreTransplanting the Womb: A Catholic Bioethical Analysis, by Andrew S. Kubick, PhD, provides a thorough analysis of the ethical ramifications of uterine transplantation from the Catholic tradition’s perspective as well as secular viewpoints.
Read MoreThere are 26 US states that allow citizen-initiated ballot measures, and they often center on ethically charged issues like abortion, assisted suicide, or even legalizing recreational marijuana. 2024 saw a record 10 state ballot initiatives concerning abortion and one on assisted suicide.
Read MoreThe Biden-Harris administration has proposed a new Federal Rule that would mandate insurance coverage of over-the-counter contraceptives and thus trample on the religious freedom rights and medical ethics of those who object to being forced to subsidize contraception.
Read MoreContemporary Bioethics: Catholic Wisdom for a Confused Culture, the latest book from The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC), provides some key answers and updates in the fascinating and troubling world of bioethics.
Read MoreOn his flight back from his recent pastoral visit to Asia, Pope Francis had an informal in-flight press conference. An American journalist, Anna Matranga, from CBS News, tried to draw a moral equivalence between supporting abortion and deporting immigrants with the following question: “With the US elections coming up, what advice would you give a Catholic voter who must decide between one candidate who is in favor of the interruption of pregnancy and another who wants to deport 11 million migrants?”
Read MoreMedical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is the official term in Canada for euthanasia that was legalized in 2016. The number of people dying at the hands of a doctor or even nurse practitioner there has grown every year and in 2022 reached the milestone of being the 5th leading cause of death in Canada.
Read MoreThe Federal Government’s General Services Administration (GSA) has issued a new final rule, “Federal Management Regulation; Updating the FMR with Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Language,” that will become effective October 21, 2024. It is one more example of the Biden-Harris Administration’s strong push to promote transgenderism.
Read MoreThe Federal Government’s General Services Administration (GSA) has issued a new final rule, “Federal Management Regulation; Updating the FMR with Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Language,” that will become effective October 21, 2024. It is one more example of the Biden-Harris Administration’s strong push to promote transgenderism.
Read MoreOne of the greatest bioethical challenges in the modern world is the lack of a clear consensus about the need for scientific research to be oriented by robust ethical guidelines and safeguards. It is astonishing to me that there is so little outcry over biomedical research using and killing human beings at their earliest stage of development For example, the International Society for Stem Cell Research in 2021 notably dropped its rule that no human embryos could be experimented upon and allowed to grow in labs past 14 days. In fact, new human genetic manipulation research, “clone and kill” research, and other experimentation on human embryos are set to explode in the coming decades, if good bioethicists and legislators do not intervene quickly and successfully.
Read MoreThe Catholic vision of health care is one of respecting the dignity of the person and addressing all the needs of patients; physical, psychological, and spiritual. The health care ministries of the Church strive to heal the sick but also to lovingly care both medically and spiritually for those terminally or chronically ill who cannot be cured. When the very sad circumstances arise of a mother experiencing a high-risk pregnancy, the priority must be to find ways to effectively help both mom and baby.
Read MoreThe term Persistent Vegetative State (PVS) is commonly used to describe patients who are brain-injured and in a wakeful but unconscious state. Ethically, it is highly problematic and even pejorative to refer to living human beings in a way that makes them seem like “vegetables.” Quite a few scientific experts recommend using different terminology,
Read MoreA mistaken impression among many is that the morality of an act is somehow affected by prevailing opinions or the findings of polls. The views of majorities can lead to changes in laws in democratic governments, but it is equally true that merely because something is legal does not mean it is necessarily ethical.
Read MoreA remarkable document authored by the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), Doctors Protecting Children Declaration, affirms what should be an evident truth, that transgender interventions on children are harmful. The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) and many other groups and individuals are co-signers.
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