The National Catholic Bioethics Center

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Making Sense of Bioethics: Column 134: Talking to Kids About Porn & Human Sexuality

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A growing concern today in­volves the role of pornography as the next generation’s instructor in human sexuality. For many young people, pornography has become the only guide to sexuality they have ever known. For Catholic parents, this raises the critical challenge of how best to approach these matters with their children, given that kids as young as 8 or 9 may already be acquiring information and view­points about human sexual behav­iors from internet pornography. I would like to present six practical suggestions for parents, culled from parental testimonies and insights, from other experts in the field, and from ex-users of pornography.

Firststeer away from “The Talk” towards a more integrated approach. Having “The Talk” relies on the misguided notion that parents have educational content or factual knowledge that they are duty-bound to try to deposit into their children’s brains. This approach is not only awkward and paternalistic, but can convey a sense that sexual educa­tion is a one-time, get-it-over-with ordeal. Kids require ongoing guid­ance and support from their parents — an expressed willingness to enter into these important discussions that stress the beauty of sexuality in marriage and what it is really for, rather than just telling them what not to do or scaring them away from sexually trans­mitted diseases.

Secondbe attentive to oppor­tune moments to share wisdom and stories. Because we live in a highly pornified culture, opportunities for parents to share and discuss important value assessments re­garding human sexuality with their children arise often. Driving by a billboard with a risqué pic­ture or seeing something on TV might, for example, serve as an opportunity to note how it’s against the love of women to use them as sex objects. Passing through a part of town where prostitutes are plying their trade might spark a discussion about how many women involved in prostitution are victims of human trafficking and the vast majority wish they could break free of it, etc.

Thirdavoid internet access in the bedroom. Sometimes parents will say, “The kids have access at school and everywhere else, so I let them have unrestricted access at home — they’ve got to learn how to handle it anyway.” But the home setting needs to differ from the outside world, serving as an oasis and a protected environment for children. If someone offered to install a pipe into your child’s bed­room that could be turned on to pump in raw sewage, you would not agree to it. Yet many parents fail to restrict what is entering their chil­dren’s bedrooms through the internet and TV. 

Fourthbe wary of internet access on cell phones. “Due diligence” with cell phones for children might mean looking for handsets that function strictly as phones without internet access, or maybe the kids should be given a phone only at those times when they are dropped off at events like piano practice, soccer, etc. As children grow older and show signs of maturing, restrictions and limita­tions can be scaled back. 

Fifthmonitor internet usage. Check browser history, and make use of monitoring software, even though a particular child may be an angel. Keep the family computer in a shared space like the living room with the screen visible so family members can be aware of each other’s online ac­tivities. Laptops and tablets can pose an inadvertent temptation in this re­spect as teens sit cuddled up on the couch with screens not visible to oth­ers. In family life, we are called to serve as our brother’s keeper. Set limits on “screen time” for children, and maintain password/access con­trol over devices. Have the neigh­bor’s kids deposit their electronic devices on the kitchen table during visits to diminish the temptation to slip away to a private part of the house and surf the net, perhaps with younger siblings in tow. Such prac­tices may also serve to indirectly evangelize other families in the neighborhood regarding the serious threats from internet porn.

Sixthset appropriate rules regarding relationships, and be involved in the kids’ dating practices. Too often parents are tempted to take a “hands-off” ap­proach to this area of their children’s lives. When I was growing up, we knew (and eventually appreciated) my father’s rule that we couldn’t date until we were 18. Setting appropriate rules for kids serves as a sign of a parent’s love and concern for them. Whenever parents determine that dating should begin, it offers further opportunities and occasions to dis­cuss problems and scenarios that can help teens set moral boundaries. 

Talking to kids and helping them to become good stewards of the gift of human sexuality bestowed by God is hard work. In a culture that forcefully communicates a pornified counter-gospel, though, it is certainly one of the most important and en­during gifts a parent can seek to pro­vide for the happiness and well-being of their children.

Copyright © 2020, The National Catholic Bioethics Center, Philadelphia, PA. All rights reserved. 

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