The key flaw in Dr. Sandel’s argument is the claim that acorns are potential oaks, when in fact, they are not potential oaks, but actual oaks (at an early stage).
Read More…women (and men) should never be paid for their eggs (or sperm), as we insist they not be paid for organ donations. This is done to prevent the human body from becoming “commodified” by powerful economic and market forces, and to stave off the prospect of trafficking in human parts.
Read MoreThe inner structure of human sexuality thus includes this central and discernible meaning: that the root origin of new human life is meant to ultimately lie beyond our own direct determination...
Read MoreBetter than a living will, or at least together with it, we should always choose a surrogate, a living person, who will make health care decisions in real time on our behalf if we are rendered unable to do so.
Read MoreIn tragic situations like sexual assault, it can be enormously difficult to perceive the right lines, and to think with reason rather than emotions.
Read MoreThe answer always depends on the particulars of a patient’s situation, but there are a few broad considerations that can help in the discernment process.
Read More... some people find the exhibit ‘edgy’, causing more than a tinge of discomfort, and they wonder whether there aren’t ethical concerns associated with putting the human body on display in this way.
Read More...concern for exercising proper stewardship over animals ought to be a balanced part of a broader concern to avoid exploiting the vulnerable, wherever they are encountered.
Read MoreWhile the quest for 'guilt-free stem cells' is certainly a good one, the so-called 'embryo biopsy' approach to generating embryonic stem cells fails to deliver...
Read MoreThose families that manifest an openness and receptivity to every child God sends them, regardless of their imperfections and ailments, provide a compelling witness in our troubled times.
Read More...parents must be especially attentive to never hand over their embryonic children who are still frozen to researchers eager to extract their stem cells.
Read MoreIndeed, true love is violated right at its core in marriage any time we choose to use condoms, even for ‘good reasons.’
Read MoreIn today’s society we almost nonchalantly sanction the production of a five day-old human life to destroy it. Tomorrow it may be a three month-old, then an eight-month old fetus.
Read MoreOur gametes, and their exclusive availability to our spouse through marital acts, manifest this beautiful and life-engendering possibility of giving ourselves away to the one person whom we singularly love.
Read MoreIn order to decide whether a treatment is ordinary, we must also look at the patient’s condition and circumstances, and not merely focus on the treatment, the medical device, or the medicine itself.
Read MoreScience, quite apart from religious dogma, affirms dogmatically that every person walking around in the world was once an embryo. This absolute scientific dogma admits of no exceptions.
Read MoreGiven the enormous pot of glory perceived by scientists at the end of that rainbow, researchers in their frantic rush hardly paused to catch their breath and consider the deeper questions raised by this technology.
Read MoreIVF violates this design by replacing that love-giving act with an act of production, whereby we manufacture our own children in petri dishes and test tubes, as if they were products or objects to be manhandled at will.
Read More...whenever somebody is in fact brain dead, they are dead, and we do not have an obligation to “keep them going.” All machines can be turned off at any time after the declaration of brain death, because brain-dead individuals are, in fact, corpses, not patients. This is the harsh reality.
Read MoreRecent imaging studies have corroborated this ‘fetal homologue’ of infant crying in the womb following painful or noxious stimuli.
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