Why Study Bioethics?

The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) exists to promote and defend God’s plan for creation and the dignity of the human person as championed by the Catholic Church. It is an exciting and a vital mission in our day when so many scientific discoveries and cultural trends attack and exploit vulnerable human beings and the very order of nature.

The solutions to the problems in bioethics offered by of the culture of death follow a pattern. They are punctual interventions that provide a “quick fix.” Crisis pregnancy?—Abort. Pain and despair at the end of life?—Lethal injection. The terrible logic of the culture of death resolves problems by killing people. I shudder to think of what would happen if the agents of the culture of death decided to focus on the problem of homelessness…

The culture of life respects the preciousness of each person, and its solutions inevitably require much more time and energy. The pro-life support for a pregnant mother in crisis is tremendously more involved than a quick “surgical” procedure. When people are in despair and want to end their lives, the compassionate care they need is far more challenging and extensive than a dismissal with lethal injection.

That is why it is so important for everyone to receive formation in Catholic Bioethics. The task is more involved but also more rewarding. One delves deep into understanding why certain actions are wrong and others are morally licit. The Catholic moral and intellectual tradition provides a treasury of principles and insights that can help us make good decisions and offer sound arguments. 

Knowledge of bioethics is also increasingly a practical necessity. There is hardly a person alive today who will not be faced with the need to make difficult ethical decisions for a loved one or themselves. The astonishing advance in medical science means that the gap between what can be done and what should be done is constantly increasing.

In order to help meet this need, the NCBC has created different educational programs. We have an extensive online course in health care ethics from a Catholic perspective that delves into the many fascinating areas of bioethics. Health care workers, pro-lifer leaders, teachers, chaplains, researchers and others can benefit greatly from understanding better the Catholic intellectual roots of the culture of life’s perspectives on so many vital issues.

Registration for our next National Catholic Certification Program in Health Care Ethics is still available until the end of August.

At the end of the course the student will have a very good knowledge of the main principles and issues in Catholic bioethics. The certificate from the NCBC can be used as the first year in a two-year master’s program from either the University of Mary or Holy Apostles College & Seminary.

We also have several times a year intensive bioethics two-day seminars that are part of the certification program but can be taken on a stand-alone basis. Some doctors, nurses or chaplains attend these seminars in order to obtain continuing education credits.

Finally, the NCBC offers a special mini-course focused on the pastoral training needs of chaplains working in hospitals. This course is required for chaplains in Illinois but has also been recognized by the National Association of Catholic Chaplains with accreditation for six continuing education credits.

I have to say that the study of bioethics from a faithful Catholic perspective was one of the most rewarding things I ever did. It is so wonderful to see the beautiful Catholic vision of how we should treat our brothers and sisters. It is also undeniable that real ethical dilemmas that require deeper thinking and discernment exist today. Good formation is indispensable, but also necessary are institutions like the NCBC that are filled with bioethics experts who can be reached for advice and guidance through our free individual ethics consultation service.

I hope to have the joy of interacting with you soon in one of the NCBC’s education programs or events!