Posts in Essays on Ethics
The Abuse of Toleration

Toleration is not a Christian virtue, but it is a positive good that merits the support of civil society. Strong advocacy for toleration began during the Protestant Reformation when the doctrinal disputes among Christian denominations led to vicious persecutions and religious warfare. Figures like John Locke recommended that Christians live in peace with each other despite differences over doctrine. The toleration of error was preferable to dissension and hatred. The defenders of toleration also believed that each person should be free to affirm only what he truly believes. No one should be compelled to assent to what he thinks is false. But toleration is not relativism. To tolerate is not to agree with what one believes to be in error. Neither does it require a blanket denial of objective truth. A tolerant person judges that others hold erroneous views but chooses to live with them peaceably. The tolerant hope for agreement in the future.

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The Meaning of Respect in Bioethics

Respect is a term employed frequently in society and in bioethics. Unfortunately, the word respect is used equivocally today. It should mean treating others with consideration and the recognition that some realities and values must always be upheld. That is what respecting human rights means. Many today think that respect requires accepting the vision of reality adopted by others and treating them as they want even if others are forced to contradict what they believe to be true.

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Why You Cannot Destroy Human Embryos

Human embryos are living beings and yet some scientists, politicians, ethicists, and even theologians have fallen into the rhetorical trap of speaking about their “destruction” rather than their being killed. Logic and correct use of language tell us one does not kill a car, one destroys inanimate objects. One kills rather than destroys an oak tree, an animal, or any living being. Only after living creatures have died or been killed can their inanimate bodies be destroyed.

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Gestational Surrogacy as Exploitation

The negative ethical judgment on gestational surrogacy is clear. It is a grave violation of both the dignity of the woman and the child to intentionally conceive and carry a baby in view of surrendering him or her after birth to others. Sometimes the surrogate mother is simply renting her womb and body for the pregnancy of a child conceived using the gametes of a man and another woman. At other times she is the biological mother of the baby with the sperm of one of the contracting parties used to father the child.

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The Child: A Preeminent Good

The child holds the center of our attention this time of year. There are the beautiful portrayals of the holy Virgin, cradling her infant son in her arms after His birth. Eight days later, according to Jewish tradition, the baby boy is circumcised, the first shedding of His blood for our redemption. Forty days after his birth Jesus is presented in the Temple at the same time His Mother undergoes the ritual of purification. These are intimate moments with our attention and our love focused on the holy Child.

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The Importance of Bioethics  

Our contemporary world is in desperate need of morally and intellectually sound bioethics. We are in the midst of a “perfect storm” combining unprecedented cultural confusion about the nature and identity of the human person and a biotechnological revolution that is fast transforming what was merely science fiction in the past into realistic scientific possibilities today or in the near future.

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The Importance of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERDs)

Thanks to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), America is blessed to have an authoritative document to guide Catholic health care institutions and professionals. The Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERDs) is now in its sixth edition, and a new revision is underway to update this guide to what constitutes truly Catholic health care and what practices are ethically unacceptable.

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Manipulating the Criteria for Death for Organ Transplantation

There are major ethical violations associated with a new medical technique called Normothermic Regional Perfusion, developed in Spain and elsewhere in Europe, notably the United Kingdom, and now in use in the United States. This intervention keeps oxygenated blood flowing to the organs of donors, with the notable exception of the brain, in order to optimize their quality for transplantation.

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Turning Off a Ventilator versus Withdrawing Assisted Nutrition and Hydration

Catholic bioethicists can draw on a remarkable intellectual tradition going back centuries that helps them make important distinctions in ethical reasoning. One that puzzles many people, including some medical professionals, is the widely accepted Catholic position that there are many more circumstances where it is ethically acceptable to turn off a ventilator than there are to suspend providing food and water, even if administered by artificial means. At first glance it seems that air to breathe is even more urgently needed for keeping a patient alive than water or nutrition. This is quite true, but use of a ventilator is a different kind of care than administering food and water.

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Bioethics and the Human Embryo

The human embryo is the focus of many bioethical debates. In the late 19th century, science discovered that we begin life as a single cell called a zygote created by the fusing of the nuclei of the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg cell. The dark side of modern scientific development in embryology largely began with in vitro fertilization (IVF) in the 1970s when human beings began to be conceived in laboratories in large numbers. These were used in “fertility treatments” and transferred to their mother’s or even a surrogate mother’s womb for gestation. The IVF process created “spare” or abandoned human embryos available for use in experiments and killed.

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