Louis Brown, Executive Director of the Christ Medicus Foundation, joins Joe Zalot to discuss the unprecedented challenges that Catholic health care faced under the Biden administration, and what we can expect under the Trump 2. In part two of the interview, Louis discusses gender ideology and conscience protection for health care professionals, contrasting how these issues were dealt with very differently by the Trump 1 and Biden administrations. He also offers thoughts on what we can expect on these topics, and others, in Trump 2.
Read MoreLouis Brown, Executive Director of the Christ Medicus Foundation, joins Joe Zalot to discuss the unprecedented challenges that Catholic health care faced under the Biden administration, and what we can expect under Trump 2. In part one of the interview, Louis discusses his work at the Christ Medicus Foundation and at the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office for Civil Rights during the first Trump administration. He also compares and contrasts the abortion policies of the Trump 1 and Biden administrations, and offers his thoughts on what can expect concerning abortion in Trump 2.
Read MoreAlex Schadenberg, Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC), joins Joe Zalot to discuss euthanasia in Canada. In part two of his interview, Alex discusses conscience protection (or lack thereof) for health care professionals and institutions in Canada. He then explains how eligibility for euthanasia and assisted suicide has expanded in Canada and, drawing upon real stories, warns what happens when a society legalizes direct killing.
Read MoreAlex Schadenberg, Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC), joins Joe Zalot to discuss euthanasia in Canada. In the first of two interviews, Alex addresses the process of how euthanasia was legalized in Canada, the arguments proponents use to justify it, and how the practice has become entrenched in Canadian culture.
Read MorePharmacists Angela Baalmann and Nicole Allcock join Joe Zalot to discuss the newly formed Catholic Pharmacy Association. They address why the association was formed, its mission and vision, and the support it offers for pharmacists who seek to practice in accord with their faith.
Read MoreDr. Tim Millea, an orthopedic surgeon (retired) and Chair of the Catholic Medical Association’s (CMA) Health Care Policy subcommittee, joins Joe Zalot to discuss important ethical challenges facing Catholic health care in the United States, and the work of the CMA in addressing them. In part two of the interview, Tim addresses chemical abortion, transgenderism, brain death, assisted suicide, and the need for conscience and religious liberty protections for health care professionals.
Read MoreAttorney Jonathan Berry returns to Bioethics on Air to discuss Strader v. CVS, the case of a health care professional fired for refusing to prescribe contraceptive and abortifacient drugs.
Read MoreBishop John Barres, ordinary of the Diocese of Rockville Centre (Long Island)—along with canon lawyer Fr. Brandon O’Brien—discuss the bishop’s governance with regard to Catholic health care, as well as his role in fostering its Catholic identity and ethical integrity.
Read MoreJenny Ingles, Director of Fertility and Life Ministries for the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan, discusses her state’s Proposal 3. If enacted by voters, Proposal 3 would enshrine the so-called right to abortion in the Michigan state constitution.
Read MorePharmacy resident Angela Baalmann discusses ethical challenges facing faithful Catholic pharmacists drawing from her article “Pharmacist Refusal to Provide Contraceptive Services” published in the Spring 2022 edition of The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly.
Read MoreDr. George Mychaskiw discusses the proposed St. Padre Pio Institute for the Relief of Suffering, School of Osteopathic Medicine, an institute that will “train faithful physicians in the Catholic framework, and through their practice of medicine evangelize the good news of Jesus Christ.”
Read MoreIn part 2 of their interview, nursing student Elizabeth Niekrewicz and nurse educator DiAnn Ecret address concrete, practical steps that nursing students (and others) can take to protect their conscience rights in an increasingly hostile medical environment.
Read MoreNursing student Elizabeth Niekrewicz and nurse educator DiAnn Ecret address ethical challenges facing nursing students both in the classroom and in clinicals. Issues discussed include the importance of—and changing nature of—the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, hierarchal power dynamics, and differing interpretations of the term advocacy.
Read MoreIn part two of her interview, Grace-Marie Turner, President of the Galen Institute, addresses issues of cost, waste, and accessibility within the US health care sector. She also explains free market proposals for reform offered by the Health Policy Consensus Group in its publication Health Care Choices 2020: A Vision for the Future.
Read MoreIn the first of a two-part interview, Grace-Marie Turner, President of the Galen Institute, explains both the history and the many challenges facing the US health care sector, focusing on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). She also discusses the impact of implementing a single-payer system, or “Medicare for All,” in the United States.
Read MoreIn part two of his interview, Dr. Charlie Camosy speaks about his appearance on Tucker Carson Tonight where he addressed Canada’s euthanizing of the poor. He also discusses his new position at the Creighton University School of Medicine.
Read MorePro-life OB/GYN Chris Stroud continues his critique of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ March 2022 ‘guidance’ on how to speak about abortion. This interview focuses on ACOG’s deceptive claims concerning dismemberment abortion and what the word term means.
Read MorePro-life OB/GYN Chris Stroud joins Bioethics on Air to critique the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ March 2022 ‘guidance’ on how to speak about abortion. This interview focuses on ACOG’s claim that we can no longer use the terms baby, unborn child, or fetal heartbeat.
Read MoreSteven White, MD and NCBC President Joseph Meaney join Joe Zalot introduce the newly formed Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance (CHCLA). Steve and Joseph explain why the alliance was formed, discuss its founding members, and set an ambitious agenda to transform Catholic health care.
Read MoreFamily Medicine physician Lisa Gilbert discusses the ethical challenges surrounding referrals for illicit medical interventions, the distinction between referral and transfer of care, and her work advocating for the conscience rights of medical professionals.
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