Bioethics on Air: Episode 62: Advocating for Terri, and All Vulnerable Patients

Bobby Schindler joins Joe Zalot to discuss the case of his sister Terri Schiavo, as well as his ongoing work in patient advocacy. Click here for the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network.

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Bioethics on Air: Episode 61: Transgenderism and Catholic Health Care

National Catholic Bioethics Center President Joseph Meaney and Director of Publications Ted Furton join Joe Zalot to talk about NCBC's new book "Transgender Issues in Catholic Health Care” which is available here.

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Bioethics on Air: Episode 60: Pro-Life During COVID – Part 2

In part two of his interview, Dr. Charlie Camosy addresses assisted suicide, the throwaway culture, and care for the elderly, as well as how these issues have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Bioethics on Air: Episode 56: Strengthening Mission in Catholic Health Care

Jim Spencer of Catholic Health (Long Island, NY) joins Joe Zalot to discuss challenges facing Catholic health care in the areas of identity, mission, and ethical integrity.

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Bioethics on Air: Episode 55: Protecting Conscience and Religious Liberty

Roger Severino, former Director of the Office for Civil Rights at the US Department of Health and Human Services, joins Joe Zalot to discuss his work protecting the rights of conscience and religious liberty. He also speaks to challenges that these core values face in the Biden administration.

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Bioethics on Air: Episode 54: Pro-Life Throughout the Whole of Life – Part 2

In Part 2 of her interview, Stephanie Gray Connors discusses in depth her new book Start With What: 10 Principles for Thinking About Assisted Suicide. She then looks to the future of the Pro-Life movement both in the United States and in Canada. Stephanie’s website is

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Bioethics on Air: Episode 53: Pro-Life Throughout the Whole of Life – Part 1

Stephanie Gray Connors joins Joe Zalot to talk about her work in the pro-life movement and to begin discussing her new book "Start With What: 10 Principles for Thinking About Assisted Suicide." Stephanie’s website is

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Bioethics on Air: Episode 52: Living and Loving NFP – Part 2

Jenny Ingles, Director of Fertility and Life Ministries for the Diocese of Lansing, continues her discussion with Joe Zalot about promoting and implementing Natural Family Planning (NFP).

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Bioethics on Air: Episode 48: Catholic Health Care in a Biden Administration

NCBC President Dr. Joseph Meaney and Director of Publications Dr. Ted Furton join Joe Zalot to discuss health care-related ethical challenges that are likely to arise under the new administration.

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Bioethics on Air: Episode 44: Fired by a Catholic Health System for Practicing Medicine as a Catholic

Megan Kreft, a physician assistant from Portland, OR, talks to Joe Zalot about her experiences working for, and being terminated by, Providence Medical Group.

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