Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, 6th edition (2018)
USCCB DocumentsThe National Catholic Bioethics CenterBeginning-of-Life Issues, End-of-Life Issues, Abortion, Advance Directives and POLST, Birth Control and Contraception, Catholic Health Care, Cooperation and Double Effect, Experimental Treatment, Natural Family Planning (NFP), Organ Donation, Nutrition and Hydration, Pregnancy Complications, Persistent Vegetative State (PVS), Professional Guidance, Reproductive Technologies, Sterilization, Vaccines and Vaccination, Conscience and Civil Liberties, Government Mandates (ACA and HHS)
Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life)—Pope St. John Paul II (1995)
Papal DocumentsThe National Catholic Bioethics CenterAbortion, Beginning-of-Life Issues, Birth Control and Contraception, Catholic Health Care, End-of-Life Issues, Genetics and Genome Editing, Marriage, Natural Family Planning (NFP), Nutrition and Hydration, Persistent Vegetative State (PVS), Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Pregnancy Complications, Privacy, Reproductive Technologies, Stem Cell Research, Sterilization, Conscience and Civil Liberties
Veritatis splendor (The Splendor of Truth)—Pope St. John Paul II (1993)
Donum vitae (The Gift of Life)—Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1987)
Vatican DocumentsThe National Catholic Bioethics CenterBeginning-of-Life Issues, End-of-Life Issues, Abortion, Birth Control and Contraception, Sterilization, Stem Cell Research, Reproductive Technologies, Pregnancy Complications, Research, Catholic Health Care, Conscience and Civil Liberties
Humanae vitae (Of Human Life)—Pope St. Paul VI (1968)
Papal DocumentsThe National Catholic Bioethics CenterAbortion, Beginning-of-Life Issues, Birth Control and Contraception, Catholic Health Care, Marriage, Natural Family Planning (NFP), Reproductive Technologies, Pregnancy Complications, Sterilization, Conscience and Civil Liberties