In a way, then, embryonic stem cells have become a great modern secular fairy-tale, even a kind of surrogate for our yearning for immortality.
Read More…subtle psychological burdens may be placed upon children born from donor sperm as they subjectively struggle with broken or absent relationships, and experience a sense of being a “commodity” or an “object” because of how they were created.
Read MoreBy always repudiating the direct killing of the innocent, and acknowledging that this represents an exceptionless norm, we set in place the framework to safeguard human dignity at its root.
Read MoreLiving beings, with all their structure and complexity, should never cease to impress us and inspire us with a certain awe, so that ...we might avoid reducing life itself to a mere commodity to be conquered by our biotechnical prowess.
Read MoreState-facilitated salvaging of organs in the absence of explicit consent undercuts the essential character of organ donations as a gift.
Read MoreRecognizing that dehydration is a painful way to die serves as a helpful starting point to assist family members in addressing the nutrition and hydration needs of their loved ones who may find themselves in compromised states or approaching the end of life.
Read MoreFostering a humanly enriching environment for those facing death often means giving explicit attention to human presence and human contact, even in the midst of a plethora of technology that may surround a patient.
Read MoreWhat is not widely acknowledged is that men oftentimes suffer emotionally and spiritually from their loss. It seems fair to say that men are not generally encouraged to acknowledge their emotions around this issue – whether relief, grief, anger, or resentment.
Read MoreThe danger of breast cancer from induced abortion constitutes a serious health risk, and women deserve to be fully and properly informed about it. The failure to inform them on the part of the medical establishment and on the part of various cancer watchdog groups is noteworthy and troubling.
Read MoreWe cannot choose evil that good might come, nor can we ever afford to sell our souls by ignoring the sacrosanct humanity of the embryo, that tiny creature that each of us once was ourselves.
Read More…euthanasia and assisted suicide are little more than ways of short-circuiting our human interrelatedness & interconnectedness, acts of violence on a basic level that cause great harm and disruption.
Read MoreYet the difference in how the baby dies is, in fact, critical. There is always a difference between killing someone directly and allowing someone to die of indirect causes.
Read MoreWe are not actually ‘repairing’ a defective egg, but constructing a new, alternative, and clearly different egg out of the contributions from two separate women. The final egg produced really belongs to neither woman...
Read MoreGod permits our sufferings, offered up, to make an indelible mark in His work of Salvation. This transformation of the ‘uselessness’ of our suffering into something profoundly meaningful serves as a source of spiritual joy to those who enter into it.
Read More...this stands as probably the single greatest tragedy of our time, that the unordered and inordinate sexual desires of men and women have been allowed to twist the most rudimentary moral logic to the point of death for so many of our children.
Read MoreIn fact, however, the decision to continue cryopreserving an embryo in liquid nitrogen is not likely an instance of using extraordinary means, since the burden and costs associated with taking care of embryonic children in this way are actually minimal.
Read MoreMany people’s moral lives are crashing and burning because they fail to respect the objective moral roadmap guiding our human journey. They’ve slipped into thinking that they can make up their own rules as they go along.
Read MoreSadly, the President’s stem cell decision encourages this kind of unethical behavior by an emotional appeal to patient desperation.
Read MoreMarital acts are a way of ‘petitioning the Giver for his gifts.’ By insisting on or demanding the gift (through in vitro fertilization), the child is no longer that ‘gift’ but a kind of entitlement or project to be realized.
Read More...sophisticated verbal engineering was necessary, since nobody could reasonably expect the abortion ethic to advance by saying, ‘Let’s kill the kids.’ Many things simply cannot be achieved when it is clear to everyone what is going on; obfuscation is essential.
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