Making Sense of Bioethics: Column 091: The Pill as Health Care?

The Pill, when chosen strictly for these con­traceptive purposes, fails the test of being healthcare because it does not heal or restore any broken system of the human body. On the contrary, it actually breaks a smoothly working system — the reproductive system — by disrupting the deli­cate balance of hormo­nal cycles regulating a woman’s reproductive well-being and fecundity.

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Making Sense of Bioethics: Column 079: The Premarital Sex “Test Drive”

A sexual ‘test drive’ mentality is essentially exploitative in nature, reducing a potential spouse to someone who is easily replaced by a ‘better’ model. When we take a car for a test drive, and don't like it, we can just return the keys and move on to the next model. But people are not cars that we can just exploit and cast aside.

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