It seems fair to conclude that doping constitutes a form of cheating not only of one’s competitors, but also one's fans, oneself, and the integrity of the sporting activity itself.
Read MoreSometimes a remedy can be borrowed from Chinese, Indian or another medical tradition, but it should be chosen for its efficacy, safety, and reasonable mode of action, and not be in conflict with principles of sound medical science or Christian teaching.
Read MoreIntrinsically disordered acts, while always destructive to ourselves and to others, do not put us outside of the eventual reach of grace and mercy...
Read MoreMany people appreciate that the Catholic Church holds firm and well-defined positions on moral questions, even if they may remain unsure about how or why the Church actually arrives at those positions, especially when it comes to unpacking new scientific developments like embryonic stem cell research.
Read MoreSex, of course, has a certain power all its own, and both sides may be tempted to play with it in ways that are potentially damaging, all the more so when they decide to cohabit.
Read MoreMost of us, in fact, have probably granted our emotions leeway to trump our better moral judgment somewhere along the line.
Read MoreSome humanitarian tragedies occur quietly and “in the background,” only gradually coming to light years or decades after serious harm has already occurred...
Read MoreSurrogacy raises grave moral concerns, and powerfully undermines the dignity of human procreation, particularly when it comes to the women and children involved in the process.
Read MoreGood parents never drive their children to strip clubs, and neither should any institution entrusted with a protective parental role; on the contrary, such institutions should erect appropriate boundaries and limits on harmful behaviors, so their residents can grow and flourish...
Read More...the home setting needs to differ from the outside world, serving as an oasis and a protected environment for children.
Read MoreProper disposition and care of another’s body also manifests our Christian faith in the resurrection of that body on the Last Day.
Read MoreWhile a newborn’s ‘intrinsic maleness’ or ‘intrinsic femaleness’ may be difficult to assess in certain more complicated intersex cases, the point remains that there is an ‘intrinsic’ or ‘underlying’ sexual constitution that we must do our best to recognize, respect, and act in accord with.
Read MoreThat every one of us was once an embryo remains an indisputable scientific dogma, causing a "fingernails on the chalkboard" phenomenon for researchers every time they choose to experiment on embryos...
Read MoreOur later years can powerfully provoke us to come to terms with our destiny and with higher truths.
Read More…while the Church has always taught that marital acts of contraception are morally wrong, the use of contraceptives can sometimes be acceptable within certain other contexts outside of consensual conjugal acts.
Read More...significant technical and ethical hurdles remain before growing organs in pigs is likely to be feasible. The science is still in its infancy, and researchers have yet to figure out how to make human cells co-exist in a stable fashion with animal tissues.
Read MoreThey may feel they are defined entirely by their addiction, unlovable and wretched, rather than seeing that they are, in fact, human beings who are precious to God and those around them, and even now endowed with some tiny space of remaining freedom.
Read MoreFor all our similarities to the rest of the animal kingdom, we are aware of a fundamental difference in kind between ourselves and our furry friends. We are not meant to die just as animals do, or be euthanized as they are.
Read MoreParents are in the unique position of being able to model for their children a healthy example of sexual integration, generosity, and self-mastery within marriage.
Read MoreThe beauty and meaning of every sexual encounter in marriage, then, is rooted not only in faithful and exclusive love, but also in the radical complementarity of spouses manifested in the abiding mystery of their mutual procreativity.
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