Coercion through a universal vaccine mandate raises ethical concerns, especially when appropriate exemptions are unavailable.
Read More…we shouldn’t argue against vaccines in ways that make neither ethical nor scientific sense.
Read MoreMany questioned how such ethically offensive research could have continued unabated for so many decades.
Read MoreThe careful hijacking of language by purveyors of wrongdoing is a widely-deployed tactic in the battle for the soul of every culture.
Read MoreWhile scientists may promise new treatments, and politicians may promise safety through contact tracing and lockdowns, these measures are stopgaps in the face of our larger human questions.
Read MoreVaccines are real “game changers” in public health. As a society, we must continue to insist that vaccine development and production be held to the highest ethical standards.
Read MoreWhen ventilators are in short supply, several key ethical principles can assist clinicians.
Read MoreEach of our loving human gestures speaks volumes about the singular power of love to overcome fear, and to strengthen us in adversity.
Read MoreMothers and fathers may have never discussed the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy to let their children know ahead of time that, even if they act contrary to their advice and conceive a child, they will still be there for them.
Read MoreThere are few, if any, ‘bottom lines’ when it comes to research ethics. The lines have become exceedingly flexible, if the price is right or if a particular political administration wants to redraw them.
Read MoreWe need to attend carefully to the graced realities we regularly handle lest we end up squandering or losing our sense of the sacred.
Read MoreWe need to recognize how God has entrusted to each of us a small garden that he asks us to tend.
Read MoreWhen we find ourselves nailed to our hospital bed, it can become an important personal moment for us to engage the possibility of a spiritual transformation opening before us.
Read MoreThe moral outrage and public reaction to Michelle’s behavior reveals a striking irony at the heart of Conrad’s suicide, namely, that similar indignation about encouraging someone to commit suicide is almost entirely absent when it comes to “physician-assisted” suicide.
Read MoreEven as we benefit from the blessings of liberty, we can fall prey to erroneous conceptions about the meaning of freedom, as the rights of some begin to be subtly elevated over the rights of others.
Read MoreNotwithstanding rapidly changing social mores, a truly civilized society will never prioritize the desires of adults ahead of the innate rights of vulnerable children.
Read MoreWhen it comes to extracting cells or organs from the corpse of a deceased child at an abortion clinic, however, these ethical requirements for consent cannot legitimately be satisfied.
Read MoreYet the old adage that no man is an island rings perennially true. Grave harms to others, in fact, follow in the wake of the radical personal decision to ‘switch genders.
Read MoreThrough IVF, husband and wife use their own (or even another person’s) sex cells to become “donors”, while constructing their own offspring through a kind of programmed project, with the marital act no longer an essential part of the equation.
Read MoreEncouraging exceptions is the entry point into a broader repudiation of our moral duties towards each other, the first of which is the duty to respect the inviolability of each other’s life.
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