Crux: “Catholic Moral Theology Has Important Role as Pandemic Causes Ethical Dilemmas”

Joseph Meaney, President

Joseph Meaney, President

NCBC President Joseph Meaney was interviewed in a March 25, 2020, news story by Charles Collins, managing editor at Crux:

We must heed the lessons of history. Sometimes people are their own worst enemies when they do not act rationally. In those circumstances, the common good must be defended by governmental and other authorities. We unfortunately live in a particularly individualistic and hedonistic age. 

There is an added problem. Many people rebel at the notion of having some of their liberties curtailed or not being able to indulge certain pleasures, even if there are objective reasons for the restrictions. It may be more than a simple coincidence that what public health authorities are telling us to do is falling during the liturgical season of Lent when we are called to do penance and make sacrifices.

Read the full story here.