NCBC Organizes Symposium on Brain Death The National Catholic Bioethics CenterFebruary 6, 2025Conscience and Civil Liberties, Catholic Health Care, Cooperation and Double Effect
Abortion is the Worst Moral Evil Day by Day in the USA The National Catholic Bioethics CenterJanuary 27, 2025Conscience and Civil Liberties, Catholic Health Care, Cooperation and Double Effect
NCBC Joins Amicus Brief in Support of Conscience Rights Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowNovember 4, 2024Conscience and Civil Liberties, Abortion
The NCBC Joins Brief of Compasscare Pregnancy Services Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowOctober 28, 2024Conscience and Civil Liberties, Abortion
New Report on Gender Transitioning Interventions on Minors in the United States The National Catholic Bioethics CenterOctober 11, 2024Conscience and Civil Liberties, Catholic Health Care, Cooperation and Double Effect
New Symposium to Address Challenging Questions about Brain Death The National Catholic Bioethics CenterOctober 1, 2024Conscience and Civil Liberties, Catholic Health Care, Cooperation and Double Effect
Alliance in Support of Appellant and Reversal Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowAugust 12, 2024Conscience and Civil Liberties, Abortion
The National Catholic Bioethics Center Welcomes New Collaboration with Human Life International NCBC EthicistsJune 18, 2024Conscience and Civil Liberties, Abortion
New Proposals in Congress Threaten Human Life and Religious Freedom Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowMarch 1, 2024Conscience and Civil Liberties, Abortion
Comment on and Review of Proposed Modifications to Data Collection Fields for Reporting of Pregnancy Success Rates from Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Programs Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowJanuary 30, 2024Conscience and Civil Liberties, Abortion
The Minnesota House of Representatives Health Finance and Policy Committee Will Be Hearing and Voting on a Bill to Legalize Physician-Assisted Suicide Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowJanuary 22, 2024Conscience and Civil Liberties, Abortion
Court of Appeals for the 5th District Rules Hospitals Are Not Required to Perform Abortions under EMTALA Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowJanuary 3, 2024Conscience and Civil Liberties, Abortion
Help Families in Need without Harming Pregnancy Help Centers! Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowNovember 30, 2023Conscience and Civil Liberties, Abortion
NCBC Joined with Colleague Agencies in Advocating for Life Affirming Language in National Institutes of Health [NIH] Mission Statement Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowNovember 27, 2023Conscience and Civil Liberties
As FDA Considers Artificial Wombs, Ethicist Recommends ‘Courage and Caution’ The National Catholic Bioethics CenterOctober 25, 2023Conscience and Civil Liberties, Catholic Health Care, Cooperation and Double Effect
The CMA, The NCBC, and the NACN-USA Submitted a Public Comment in Opposition to Significant Provisions of the EEOC's "Regulations to Implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act" Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowOctober 11, 2023Conscience and Civil Liberties
NCBC Joins EPPC Scholars and Others in Opposing HIPAA Reproductive Health Care Policy Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowJune 29, 2023Conscience and Civil Liberties
Bioethics on Air: Episode 111: Fighting for Conscience and Religious Liberty at CVS PodcastsJoe Zalot, PhD—Staff EthicistApril 26, 2023Conscience and Civil Liberties, Birth Control and Contraception, Abortion
NCBC Submits Public Comment Opposing the Weakening of Conscience Protections RE: the “HHS Contraceptive Mandate” Marie Hilliard, JCD, PhD, RN—Senior FellowApril 3, 2023Conscience and Civil Liberties
Press Release: The NCBC Responds to FDA Action on Plan B One-Step Label The National Catholic Bioethics CenterFebruary 2, 2023Conscience and Civil Liberties, Catholic Health Care, Cooperation and Double Effect