Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decisions—English—Print Copies

Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decisions—English—Print Copies

from $3.00

A brief but clear explanation of Church teaching on advance directives, euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide with a glossary of terms. Also includes a sample advance medical directive and health care proxy. Consider buying in bundles of 50 for discounted pricing!

Also available as PDF download for immediate use.

¡Tambien disponible en español aqui!

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A brief but clear explanation of Church teaching on advance directives, euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide with a glossary of terms. Also includes a sample advance medical directive and health care proxy that conform to Catholic teaching on end-of-life care. Users are encouraged to consult their particular state law with regard to specific requirements for the filing and standing of advance medical directives. Revised 2012. Priced at $3.00 per copy for 1 to 49 copies, or see bulk pricing options for quantities of 50.


4 pages plus 2-page insert with sample forms.


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Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decisions—English—PDF Download

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