Gifted Membership
Gifted Membership
Give a student or individual membership. Click Student Membership to view more information (student status will be required to redeem). Click Individual Membership to view more information.
Can I have a gift card refunded?
Yes. You can cancel and refund unused gift cards. Partially used gift cards can't be refunded.
Can I refund purchases made with a gift card?
Yes. Refunding a purchase made with a gift card adds the refunded amount to the gift card's balance.
Can I split an order between a gift card and a credit card?
Yes. If their order total exceeds the value remaining on their gift card, they can pay the balance using standard payment methods.
Can I use more than one gift card on an order?
Yes. Customers can apply multiple gift cards to an order.
Can I use less than the full value of my gift card?
When using a gift card, the full value of the gift card is always applied. It's not possible to partially redeem a gift card unless the order total is less than the gift card balance.