Thank you for the opportunity to provide public comment on behalf of The National
Catholic Bioethics Center, the National Catholic Partnership on Disability, the Catholic Medical
Association, and the National Association of Catholic Nurses, USA. We wish to address the
Establish Membership Requirements of Uterus Transplant Programs proposed by the OPTN
Vascularized Composite Allograft (VCA) Transplantation Committee. We wish to focus on the
following OPTN Bylaws changes:
D: Additional Primary Surgeon Requirements for Uterus Transplant Programs
J.4: Primary Obstetrician-Gynecologist Requirement for Uterus Transplant Programs
J.5: Uterus Transplant Programs That Perform Living Donor Recovery
A. Living Donor Medical Evaluation
B. Living Donor Psychological Evaluation
C. Independent Living Donor Advocate (ILDA)
D. Living Donor Uterus Surgeon Requirements
Read MoreMatthew Hanley, a recent Senior Fellow with The National Catholic Bioethics Center, has been named the winner of this year’s international scientific Ratio et Spes award. The prestigious award is given jointly by the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Poland and the Vatican-based Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Foundation.
Read MoreThe National Catholic Bioethics Center joins the National Association of Catholic Nurses, USA in urging that, if a person chooses to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, and there is a choice of vaccines, a vaccine which has the least association with cells from an aborted fetus be selected.
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